“Turning the tables on Joe Biden, exposing his radical associations and his family’s self-dealing,
Don Trump Jr. provides searing insights and critical information for Americans who still believe
we deserve a leader who puts America first.”
“If you care about this nation, you must read Liberal Privilege. Donald Trump Jr. excavates
Joe Biden’s past unlike anyone else. This is a powerful book the fake news doesn’t want you to read.
So get a copy now and spread the word!”
“In his latest book, Liberal Privilege, Donald Trump Jr. reveals how Joe Biden used the
government to enrich his family. A must-read for anyone who wants to learn about the inner workings of the swamp!”
“For decades, the media has given Joe Biden a pass. Scandals, terrible policies, and self-enrichment have defined his fifty-year career in Washington. Donald Trump Jr. defines Joe Biden.
An absolute must-read!”
“Donald Trump Jr. doesn’t care about anything but the truth. After reading Liberal Privilege,
one thing is clear—I thought Congress is bad right now—luckily I never served with sleazy Joe Biden!”